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Flickrize Your Business Cards
You can turn your great flickr photos into small business cards using a new online printing service called Moo.
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The Web 2.0 Colour Palette
The Web 2.0 Colour Palette, from Modern Life is Rubbish. What colors are Web 2.0 sites using?
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2007 SXSW Interactive Panel Proposal Picker (Round Two)
Round 2 of the South by South West Panel Picker for 2007 is now live.
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Google on “Information for Webmasters”
Compiled by Adam Lasnik, Search Evangelist for Google, for FirstGov's Web Manager University session in September 2006
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The Web Accessibility Case Against Target
The Web Standards Project recently reported on the case brought against Target by 'all blind Americans.'
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Automatic pullquotes with JavaScript and CSS
A nice design element and a good way of highlighting important phrases.
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Are accessibility evaluation tools useless?
Karl Dawson takes a closer look at the evaluation tools available and whether they're really up to scratch.
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Five Rules For Great Websites
How to make your new site stand out from your competitors and everyone else!
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Current Trends In Web Design
Written from a web enthusiasts' point of view, a rundown of the current hot design trends.
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Adobe previews Photoshop CS3, announces CS 2.3
Adobe previews next-gen Photoshop